Hubungan Motivasi Keluarga Terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pasien ODGJ di Wilayah Puskesmas Manannti Kab. Sinjai
People with mental health problems have psychological problems based on personality problems and distortions of thought processes. Worldwide, in 2016, WHO published. about 35 million people suffer from depression, 60 million people suffer from bipolar disorder, 21 million people have schizophrenia, and 47.5 million people have dementia. This study aims to determine the relationship between family motivation and medication adherence levels among ODGJ patients in the service area of Mannanti District Health Center. Sinjai. This research is a cross-sectional observational study using a validated and reliable questionnaire with a total of 25 patients. The results of the research that tests the validity of the motivation and acceptance level of the question led to a p-value of 0.00 < 0.05 and both questions are considered valid, then the reliability test showed that the value of the family motivation question is 0.702 in patient acceptance. questionnaire is 0.705 (p-value > 0.6), so this questionnaire is considered reliable. The results of measuring the level of family motivation showed that the motivation was high at 92% and for the acceptance of taking medicine, the model was approved at 32%, inadequate at 48% and not approved. and 20%. Through the chi-square test, a value of 0.308 was obtained (p-value > 0.05), so we can conclude that there is no relationship between family motivation and acceptance and treatment of the patient.