Application Of Saline Solution Oral Hygiene Therapy In Fulfilling Nutritional Needs In Children With Hospitalization
Background: Hospitalization is the process of children being required to stay in the hospital and undergo a treatment process due to their illness. During hospitalization, children experience appetite disorders due to discomfort in the oral cavity such as a bitter taste, so that children are at risk of malnutrition and the time of the hospitalization process is getting longer. One of the nutritional management that can be done to overcome this discomfort is to perform oral hygiene treatment using saline solution. Purpose, To find out how the application of oral hygiene saline solution in meeting nutritional needs in children with hospitalization. Methodes, The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a case study approach. Results, It was found that there were differences in the level of appetite of the two respondents in fulfilling nutritional needs in children. Where An. AA said that she had no interest in eating and the portion of food seemed intact or nothing was consumed and An. AP said that she had little interest in eating and the portion of food appeared to be almost intact (± 1 tablespoon consumed), while after being given oral hygiene saline solution therapy An. AA said enough interest in eating and appeared to have 3⁄4 portion of food waste, and An. AP said interest in eating and appeared to have 1⁄4 portion of leftovers. Conclusions, Oral hygiene saline solution therapy can improve the appetite of children who experience appetite disorders due to oral discomfort and bitter taste.